Now that we have landed on Mars, the next step is to create a life there.We started by germinating tomatoes, so we can have a source of food on the red planet. This is how we did it:

  1. We removed the center of some tomatoes and let them dry for at least 12 hours.
  2. After, we planted them in little cups and pots, which had a layer of soil.
  3. Once the seeds were on top of the soil, we cover them with another layer of soil.
  4. Five days later our seeds look like this. 
This is how they look so far

REPORTE 05. Boicot de la Misión


Reporte Completo de el Evento

Al escribir la cronología, dónde estaba y qué hacía cada uno de los integrantes de la tripulación, los ingenieros deberán utilizar lenguaje especializado de tu rol. (tecnicismos)

Tres meses antes de amartizar, M.O.T.H.E.R., la inteligencia artificial y piloto automático de la nave, detectó un problema en la zona de carga, todas las cajas se habían separado, y debido al efecto de la gravedad cero, estas estaban flotando por toda la zona. Alguien tenía que ir a agarrarlas de nuevo, ya que esto podría causar serios daños a la nave.

El ingeniero Patricio se ofreció voluntario para solucionar el problema en compañía de Mr. Smith. Una vez aseguradas gran parte de las cajas, sucedió algo inesperado, la escotilla se abrió por sí sola, o fue obra de alguien de la tripulación, aún no lo sabemos. Patricio salió expulsado de la nave y tuvimos que actuar rápido para poder salvarlo.

Izquierda: Patricio siendo expulsado de la nave. Derecha: Sofia sujetada a su cable al momento de rescatarlo

Afortunadamente, él estaba usando su traje, el cual tenía un jetpack para regresar a la nave, pero el impacto inicial del vacío hizo que perdiera el conocimiento. Aún podía respirar, aunque no sabíamos cuánto oxígeno le quedaba a su traje, y se alejaba cada vez más de la nave. Entonces, para recuperarlo, Sofía tuvo que salir con su traje y una línea conectada a la nave espacial para que pueda conectarla al traje espacial de Patricio y de esa manera será más fácil llevarlo de regreso a la nave espacial.

Logramos rescatarlo, y se recuperó rápidamente, pero aún tenemos que saber qué fue lo que hizo que Patricio saliera de la nave, a continuación tenemos los testimonios de cada integrante de la nave:

Patricio: Yo iba hacer mi tarea que era relativamente segura y fácil cuando oigo unos pasos pesados y rápidos y justo cuando voy a voltear para ver quien es solo siento un empuje hacia el vacío. El empuje al vacío me desmayo y la siguiente cosa que me acuerdo fue cuando ya estaba otra vez en la nave.

Nicolás: Poco antes de que Patricio se encontrara fuera de la nave,  tuve una discusión con Mr. Smith y terminamos a golpes, después de eso estuve charlando con Karlo mientra comíamos en la sala principal cuando de repente la alarma sonó y salimos corriendo.

Karlo: Yo me encontraba comiendo cuando escuche una discusión, después salió nico de la nada, y nos quedamos hablando mientras comíamos, mientras que le contaba de mi abuelita, sonó la alarma y fuimos corriendo a ver qué era lo que sucedía.

Amy: Me encontraba en el huerto de la nave monitoreando las plantas  cuando entró  Sofía, me comentó que habían decidido  que Patricio arreglara el problema. Estaba explicando como funcionaba el huerto en la nave y  como funcionaria el huerto en Marte cuando comenzó a sonar la alarma y nos dirigimos a la zona de carga.

Sofía: Después de decidir que Patricio iba a ir a la zona de carga a arreglar el problema, fui con Amy a ver las plantas que había sembrado en el pequeño huerto de la nave, porque la tarea de Pato era fácil y sin ningún riesgo. De pronto, ambas escuchamos la alerta de la pérdida de presión y corrimos hacia la zona de carga. Una vez ahí, me ofrecí para salir de la nave e ir a rescatarlo.

Mr. Smith se encontraba con Patricio al momento en el que él fue expulsado de la nave.La NASA hizo el análisis toxicológico que Mr. Smith si estaba drogado.Mr. Smith afirmó que no se vio sorprendido a la hora que Patricio saliera de la naveMr. Smith tuvo una pelea con Nico y la química con el equipo no era muy buena.
Hay una huella digital de Mr. Smith en el sistema que nos dice que él picó el botón para expulsar  a Patricio de la nave.Un reporte de la NASA confirma que la interpretación de la evidencia confirma que la huella digital si era la de Mr. Smith.En las grabaciones de las  cámaras pudimos observar que Mr. Smith era el más cerca al evento Mr. Smith estaba actuando muy sospechoso antes y después del evento.
Mr. Smith se encontraba drogado al momento de pelearse con Nico.El testimonio de Patricio indica que escuchó pisadas fuertes.Todos tenían una explicación de donde estaban menos Mr. Smith.
Todos estaban haciendo algo o estaban ocupados, menos Mr. Smith.Mr. Smith es el hombre mas pesado de la nave por lo que se puede relacionar con el testimonio de Patricio

Bienestar de la Tripulación:

La reacción de la tripulación hacia las acusaciones de la NASA no fue nada buena. Esto se debe principalmente a que al llevar varios meses de aislamiento con las mismas personas uno comienza a desesperarse y a tener cada vez menos paciencia, igualmente el llevar varios meses confinados al mismo espacio no ayuda a la situación  emocional de la tripulación en lo más mínimo. Igualmente, hemos estado  expuestos a situaciones sumamente estresantes las cuales han dejado igualmente ciertas secuelas dentro  de nuestro estado de ánimo, debido al estrés muchos hemos estado experimentando diversos efectos de este; algunos de los efectos  que hemos experimentado son problemas de sueño, fatiga, ansiedad, enojo, inquietud  y arrebatos de ira. 

Nuestra Teoría:

Comunicado de la nave: Hola este es un nuevo reporte de la nave Mamba 24! Queremos informarles sobre el accidente de Patricio y el rescate, la pasada semana estábamos platicando todos en la sala principal cuando de repente Mr. Smith fue a su habitación y regresó a los 5 minutos y empezó a insultar a nuestro compañero Nicolás por lo que lo tomó personal y se agarraron a golpes a la hora de pegarle Nicolás quedó con polvo blanco en la mano  y tenía un aspecto a que era cocaína por lo que nos asustamos más.

En lo que algunos estaban ayudando a Nico a curarse Patricio fue a revisar el cargo ya que había un problema y Mr. Smith lo acompaño pero no sabíamos las consecuencias que íbamos a tener por dejarlo ir con Patricio por  lo que pasaron 10 minutos y sonó la alarma de que alguien había salido de la nave, el equipo de rescate  conformado por Amy y Sofía actuaron rápidamente y lograron rescatar a Patricio, pero Mr. Smith nunca apareció para ayudar en el rescate por lo que se nos hizo más sospechoso.

Después al investigar más a fondo sobre el problema encontramos que MR. Smith activo con su huella digital para que se perdiera la presión y por eso Patricio fue expulsado de la nave, por lo que después de todo esto hemos decidido nunca estar solos con Mr. Smith y ya no lo consideramos parte del equipo, ojala puedan tomar en consideración esta teoría y hacer algo al respecto ya que somos 5 tripulantes con la misma teoría y no hay duda de que fue Mr. Smith.

“Resumen del Pack 1 de Misiones de Ingeniería” Mamba 24

La imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es cropped-logo-1.png

Este proyecto para el equipo fue algo difícil desde el inicio ya que lo que hemos visto en física no ha sido tan sencillo y nos ha causado un poco de conflicto para resolver varias cosas del proyecto ya que no ha sido nada fácil, luego tomar la decisión de que dificultad tomaríamos el problema tampoco fue fácil ya que no sabíamos qué tan difícil iba a ser el nivel intermedio y nos fuimos con ese pensando que la dificultad no era tan alta.

Ya que empezamos a resolver el problema, nos dimos cuenta que era muy complejo y difícil, ya que nunca habíamos resuelto problemas así. Por lo que no sabíamos muy bien que hacer  por lo que decidimos bajar de dificultad, y así, ya pudimos resolver de la mejor manera que pudimos.

Nicolás Pliego: Yo aprendí bastante pero me fue difícil entenderle al inicio y a procesar la física, pero la verdad ya que lo pongo en practica no me va tambien ya que son diferentes problemas a lo que aprendí por lo que la verdad no pude aportar mucho al inicio del proyecto ya que no entendía muy bien, yo aprendí mucho preguntando al profesor ya que luego me es dificil aprender a la primera ya que a veces no entiendo al 100%.

Amy Peniche: Al principio no entendía y estaba muy confundida, tenía muchas dudas ya que no logramos llegar al resultado. Después al cambiar de dificultad ya me fue mucho más fácil comprender, porque solo había que obtener magnitudes y no había tantos factores los que debíamos de tener en cuenta como en el problema intermedio. En lo personal yo aprendí mucho al momento de que mis compañeros me explicaran lo que decía el profesor acerca de las dudas que teníamos.  

Karlo Howland:Yo creo que este fue un proyecto inusual, ya que contaba con una forma de aprendizaje un tanto distinto, yo considero que durante los años me he adaptado a aprender con lo que me dan en clase y luego ponerlo en práctica, siento que en este proyecto nos pusieron más el problema, y sin darnos ninguna ayuda nosotros teníamos que resolver este problema, considero que este proyecto se compara un poco más a la vida real, ya que si hago un error pues ya no existe el ir a casa rogarle a papi a mami, me gusta el proyecto.

Sofia Clode: Al principio que estábamos intentando de resolver el problema intermedio, teníamos muchas dudas por que por alguna razón no nos daba un resultado viable, pero cuando decidimos cambiar la dificultad, fue más fácil, ya que simplemente debiamos sustituir las cantidades en las fórmulas para obtener las magnitudes. Creo que lo más importante que aprendí es que cada fuerza afecta el movimiento de un cuerpo de forma diferente.

Patricio Ramirez: Al inicio no entendí muy bien ya que había muchos factores de los que teníamos que contar. Como la fricción, gravedad, el peso y la fuerza que estaba siendo expuesta. Pero al cambiar de dificultad lo entendí mucho mejor ya que solo teníamos que poner los factores a las fórmulas que ya sabíamos son variables que no conocíamos. Pero al final pudimos poner los resultados gracias a las preguntas y las clases de física. Yo aprendí bastante sobre estas fórmulas y que en cada fórmula teníamos que tomar en cuenta cada mínima fuerza o variable para obtener el resultado que queríamos. 


REPORT 4. December 30


We did it!

We are here! We can see the red planet from your spaceship. We are just a few minutes away to be the first humans to step on Mars floor, ever!

This is amazing! This is an incredible moment for humans, for our country, for us and our family.

Before we start the landing process, NASA has asked us to send back home some words, just in case we don’t make it. We gave each member of the mission the chance to say something before we land.

Messages to our families:

Amy´s message: Hi  everyone I hope you’re okay, I just wanted you to know that I really appreciate everything  you did for me, especially for believing in me. Just a reminder, if I die throw me a party, not a funeral.  

Karlo´s message: Family, I know you are out there somewhere, I love all of you, and even in my last thoughts, all of you will be there, thank you for making me a good man, thank you for pushing me to always be better, and thank you for being an outstanding family, I know I had been a pain in the ass sometimes but I didn’t know any better at the time, these are my last words, and with that being said, may the force be with you… Kako out.

Patricio´s message: Mom and Dad I hope you are okay. I wanted to thank for making me believe I could accomplish anything I set my mind to. That mentality drove me to where I am today. I wouldnt rather be anywhere else doing anything else. I really believe this is what I was meant to do. Thank you, I love you Mom and Dad. 

Nico´s message: Pa, Ma, and Santi thank you for helping me throughout all these years to accomplish my dream, i´m happy to know that if I don’t survive I died trying to accomplish my dream, but I know we are going to make It and that I will talk to you again, I love you and you´ve an amazing parents and brother all these years, I love you and I hope to talk to you again.

Sofia´s message: To all the people who believed in me and stood by my side my whole life, thankyou. Because thanks to you I am the person I am right now. To my mom, I just wanted to say that I have been so lucky to have you as my mom and that I wouldn’t change anything. Thank you, and from the bottom of my heart, I love you.

Landing Report:

The process begins, and the spaceship doesn’t seem well. Strange noises come from the reactor. We can hear some explosions, and the clear smell of something burning gets through our nostrils. The commander has asked us to put on our suits and adapt landing positions.

Mr. Smith is being the strangest he has been so far. He speaks gibberish and seems to be failing. Still, the crew, including him, take positions. 3, 2, 1 the landing process begins.

The ship starts to shake, almost like if we were in an earthquake. There is fire all over the ship, because of the speed at which we are entering the atmosphere. We can see little pieces of the ship flying off. We just hope the ship doesn’t suffer too much damage, or at least, more than it already has.

We slowed down and before we knew it, we had landed. We are still in one piece, thankfully. Now… let’s be the first humans to set foot on Mars. The first thing we saw when we opened the door was that everything was red and orange, almost like a sunset. It is beautiful.

Engineers Report:

Mars has two moons. Their names are Phobos and Deimos. We can barely see Phobos as it’s at the edge of where we can see. The ship is also in a pretty bad shape. It could theoretically explode if any irregularities happen in our descent. An example of this is if a piece of metal happens to break near the motor and cause an explosion at the back of the ship. It’s not that probable but after the recent events we really just don’t know anymore.

Scientist Report:

How to grow tomatoes?

NASA sent us this video with the instructions and procedure.

Communicator Report:

Houston, Here Mamba 24………. we made It! everyone is okay and we just touched Mars for the first time in our lives, you won’t believe how cool is the soil in Mars it has the texture of kinetic sand, when every one of us touch It we cried and hug each other for like 5 minutes, It was a very emotional moment for the team and we took a picture of Pato and Amy touching the soil and It’s a pretty cool photo, except for Mr. Smith, he didn’t want to do anything and he left to walk by himself with something in his hands but we don´t know what he was carrying. 

Mr. Smith  is not consider a part of the team anymore so we don’t know what to do with him, maybe we will need to imprison him somewhere near the spaceship but we are trying not to leave him with Nico alone because he wants to kill Mr. Smith so we´ve been trying to have him very far from Nico.

Finally when everyone and everything got settled, we began to hear this alarm coming from the spaceship, the reactor was to damaged, we all ran to take any kind of equipment that could be helpfull, it was kind of difficult because all the drama that has been happening, not long after, the spaceship exploded. We can just hope we are smart enough to save what we need to survive, seems like the journey has nearly started.

Gossip Update: We are still concerned about what’s happening between Karlo and Pato, because sometime we see them together and later we see Pato and Amy having fun in the Spaceship soooooo maybe Karlo and Pato are having something that Amy doesn’t know about.

Photo of Pato and Amy touching the soil.




We are still alive! Even though our reactor hasn’t been working at 100% of its capacity, we are very close to reaching Mars, we are 3 months away from reaching mars and we are getting pretty excited!

We have been traveling for 6 months now. The reactor failure has affected the water supply, so we are starting to feel dehydrated. It has also affected our entertainment time, since we can’t waste energy on this, so we are feeling kinda grumpy.

Mr. Smith has insisted that he had nothing to do with the reactor failure. We haven’t seen the mysterious box anymore, it seems it vanished. However, our scientist found traces of what seems to be a plastic explosive near the reactor panel.

We’ve felt really worried after all the incidents. The spaceship is not at its optimal condition, and this could jeopardize the whole mission. Will it be able to resist the entrance through the atmosphere of Mars?

We have a new problem now. M.O.T.H.E.R, the spaceship automatic pilot and Artificial Intelligence, has reported a problem in the cargo area. Our cargo crates are loose, and the zero gravity effect has caused all of them to be floating around. This could severely damage the ship.

After a long talk, Patricio volunteered to go to the cargo area to tie the crates back. Mr. Smith decided to help. During this task, the designed astronaut had already tied some crates, when suddenly, the hatch opened. Pressure is lost and the vacuum effect pulls the astronaut out of the ship. Some of the cargo is lost, and  we were able to save our mate. So we decided to interrogate Mr. Smith.

The Control Center has asked for a detailed explanation of the recent events in our travel log, and informed us that a Special Investigation area will get in touch with us as soon as we arrive to Mars. 


A person can survive in space with a suit as long as their oxygen supplies last, normally it lasts around 8 hours. If you don’t wear a suit what happens is that after the first 15 seconds you are going to pass out and after 90 seconds you’ll die from asphyxiation. So we had to hurry in order to save Patricio.

The good thing is that he was wearing his suit, which has a jetpack to return to the spaceship, but the initial shock of the vacuum made Patricio lost consciousness. Gladly he was still breathing but he was drifting away from the spaceship with every passing second. So to get him back Sofia had to go out with her suit, and a line connected to the spaceship so that she can connect it to Patricios spacesuit and that way it’ll be easier to pull him back to the spaceship. We were also careful that we bring him back without other stuff flying out and causing further damage.


Yesterday we began the interrogation of Mr.Smith, because of his past behaviors to the crew, after analyzing the way he behaved, we came to the conclusion that something was odd, therefore we began the interrogation. The interrogation was led by Karlo and Nicolas.

  • Nicolas: Smith, before anything how are you?
  • Karlo: We would just like to know your whereabouts? in the time of the accident.
  • Smith: I don’t need to tell you anything!!!
  • Karlo: Either we do this the nice way or the bad, but we get it done!
  • Smith: I was with Nico… We had a little encounter…
  • Nico: A little encounter?? You punched me in the face while we were talking peacefully
  • Smith: You caught me red handed I am sorry.
  • Karlo: Red Handed..??
  • Nico: He brought his drugs with him!, and you were very suspicious at the time you went to help Patricio
  • Smith: No I wasn’t suspicious and stop judging me! I was just helping but you know sometimes I think Patricio is trying to kill me.
  • Karlo: Stop trying to blame Patricio! you tried to kill him and you opened the hatch on purpose, you are the only person in this spaceship that could try to kill Patricio so stop lying.
  • Smith: I have nothing to say, all of you are the worst humans i´ve ever met, f*** you!
  • Nico: Hope you die Mr. Smith, you tried to kill him!
  • Karlo: Calm down Nico, Smith is crazy and we will need to do something with him.


Later that week, there was a fight between Patricio, Amy and Karlo, because Karlo decided to jump into the relationship, Almost ruining it, after karlo trying to steal someone from the relationship, he realized he began something unforgivable, therefore, he made a public apology, where he apologized to Amy because he tried to steal patricio from her (big reveal since no one knew he was gay).


General Report:

We passed the moon during the first week, and we used its gravitational pull to gain some extra momentum.

Photo by Alex Andrews on

We’ve been traveling for 3 months now. 

During this time, we have had the chance to get to know each other better. We’ve had our personal issues, and challenges, but we managed to overcome them.

However, Mr. Smith, the Artificial Intelligence android, has been more and more suspicious day after day. One day he even mentioned the following:

“Humans shouldn’t be allowed to colonize other planets, after all, they only behave like a virus. They find a host, reproduce until the resources go extinct, and finally destroy the host to find a new one.”

He has also been wandering around the spaceship’s reactor. He is always telling us he needs to fulfill his mission. The last time he was wandering  around the reactor , he took a suspicious box with him and some hours later, the spaceship’s computer reported a failure in the reactor. 

Tasks´ Reports :

Engineers Report: 

Our ship is enhanced by a fusion reactor. This type of energy is one of the newest and most powerful, that’s why NASA chose it. Energy is created from the thermonuclear fusion of ions confined by magnetic fields, and it is thanks to the sun’s gravity that large amounts of energy are released. Some advantages of using a Fusion Reactor compared to other types of reactors are that they are safer, they produce bigger amounts of energy, they are practically endless (since it comes from the sun) and it is friendly with the environment.

After the incident, the reactor is working at it´s 80% of capacity. So we may not have to worry. 

Scientist Report: 

On Mars we have found a variety of live microbes and bacteria, but we still do not know if we can find any viruses. 

Message to Earth:

Dear Humans as you know we have been on our mission for 9 months and everything has been okay except for the scientist and the engineer starting a love relationship in the middle of he mission and that the reactor which we fixed a couple of days ago It’s only working at 80% of the capacity but that’s not a problem for us, we hope to have you in our near future here with us.

Mamba 24


Report 01. September 8th

Hello! We are Mamba 24! 

In this mission we will try to reach Mars and start a colony with our team of 6 people in the spaceship that include 2 engineers, 2 communicators, 1 Scientist, and Mr Smith whose role is still not determined.

We made an integration activity before take off that helped us to get more confidence. In the activity we had turns to talk about our families, our strengths and weaknesses and about how we would  like to be treated on the trip, Mr. Smith didn’t want to participate in the activity and he has been acting weird this week in the spaceship, he also brought a strange box which he didn’t want to show us, he is acting like a little kid with his box so we decided to ignore him. We don´t know if he’s acting strange because he had  just divorced 2 weeks ago so maybe he needs a little bit of help.

Here is a list of the crew members and their tasks:

Engineer Sofia: She is in charge of installing a military base on Mars to be able to launch nuclear weapons in case it’s needed. 

Engineer Pato: His task is to keep the spaceship in optimal conditions to use it to return to planet Earth without a problem, and fix any damage.

Scientist Amy: Her task is to create a farm and grow food to be able to keep everyone in the mission alive.

Communicator Nico: My job is to be the person who helps our spaceship with the Earth by sending information via Email, texting, etc  through a satellite and It can take about 3 to 22 minutes for the information to reach the other end about our trip and about many other things.

Communicator Karlo: The task of him is to keep the crew connected with their families, friends, and contacts back on Earth.

Extra Information:

At the end of the first week we had a little accident. Mr. Smith and Nico had a fight, both of them ended with bruises and purple eyes. We still don’t know the reason for this incident, because Nico is afraid of telling us, but we are still investigating.

Tasks´ Reports :

Engineers Report: 

We started our voyage last week on March 24th, since then everything has been great. We have with us 4 crates of food of 1000 kgs each, 4 crates of water of 1500 kgs, 1 crate with the water processing equipment of 2000 kgs, 1 crate with equipment for the greenhouse of 2500 kgs. and 4 crates of building equipment of 2500 kgs each, which in total is 28,500 kgs.

Scientist Report: 

The  foods that can grow in Mars are:

  • Kale 
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Red romaine lettuce  
  • Hops

Communicators Report:

It can take about 3 to 22 minutes for the information to reach the other end, the information might be about our trip or about many other things we need to report to the NASA. We can also use internet with no problem but we can only surf ‘real time’ on a number of websites that are downloaded from Earth on the Mars webserver

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